September 28, 2024

Angolan Rapper; Art Da Vinci Talks the Good and Bad about Hip hop in his Hood - Luanda | His Biggest Hits | Drake | Justin Bieber + More

Art Da Vinci is a Hip-Hop, R&B, and Afrobeat's artist and producer from Luanda, Angola. My Music blends various different genres, fueled by my passion for storytelling and making good songs. I aim to create music that resonates with listeners on a personal level, drawing from my own experiences to explore themes such as Love, hurt, and loss. I use my music as a personal diary; telling my stories and hoping that some people can relate to them.

Who or what got you into hip hop?

My older brother, Vicyboy, who is also a Hip-Hop/Afrobeat rapper and producer, was the first person to introduce me to Hip-Hop. When we were growing up, he had all the latest music on his laptop, and I'd spend hours listening to artists like Eminem, Nicki Minaj, T.I., Jay-Z, & Drake. Plus, he was always working on a mixtape (which he never finished), and I would follow him to the studio whenever I could. However, I think the real game changer happened in 2011 when I was in the 8th grade. My brother built a DIY recording studio in our room to focus on his music; and he made me his "Chief Engineer", which basically meant that I was in charge of pressing the red button that started the recording and the grey square that stopped recording. That experience ignited my passion for music production and set me on the creative path that eventually led me to making my own music.

What is the good and the bad thing about hip hop around your hood?

The biggest downside of Hip-Hop around my hood is the excessive competition. Everyone is trying to make it, and the industry can only accommodate so many artists. This often leads to toxic situations, like when an artist you were supposed to feature on a song steals your beat or your song concept. Sometimes even the producers - who are often rappers themselves - deliberately take weeks to finish your tracks, trying to sabotage your progress. On the flip side, this competitive environment has pushed me to become more autonomous and motivated me to hone my skills and learn as much as I could about music production to lessen my dependency on others. Having a solid team over the years has also been crucial; I've built long-term relationships with a select group of producers,

like LehandroBeatz, Jcob Jr., and Andre Plaisher. Their expertise, combined with the skills that I've developed over the years, has enabled me to be able to express my creativity on my own terms.

Which song made a lot of people know or love Art Da Vinci?

Nokübonga Act. III got mad love from people.

It was the first track I released that really had the streets moving. I remember walking around the Luanda Waterfront with my older brother, Vicyboy, around December 2023 and random people would stop us to give me props. Even more surprising was having senior family members reach out to me to tell me that I should seriously consider Music as a career. Those events really put a battery in my back.

Art Da Vinci... what’s the story behind this stage name?

Well, I made a song in 2022 called 'MonaLisa" (spelt Monna Alessa by St. Catherine of Sienna), and somehow my boss at the time heard it, and she absolutely loved it. She began calling me "Da Vinci", albeit playfully at first, to poke fun at my romantic nature. Eventually the name just stuck, and it resonated with me because I've always admired Leonardo Da Vinci for his creativity and mastery across various fields. It became a fitting representation of my artistic vision and my desire to blend different musical styles, namely Hip-Hop, R&B and Afrobeats, much like Leonardo blended his different knowledge of various subjects to create masterpieces.

If you were to choose one Rapper you would love to work with in future, who  would that be and why?

Drake. He made the soundtrack to my youth man, and his music has always resonated with me on a personal level. His ability to blend deep, introspective lyrics, with catchy melodies and memorable hooks is something that I've always admired and aspired to achieve in my own work. I’ve also been deeply influenced by 40, Drake’s producer, and his somber, brooding production that sounds like you’re driving home at 3am on a cold Winter’s night. Collaborating with them would be a fun experience, because I'm already so attuned with their sound that I know we'd create magic together.

On a similar but unrelated note, a non-Hip-Hop musician that I'd love to work with is Justin Bieber. I really like his music.

How is the Response from Family and Friends towards your Music?

They love my music and are incredibly supportive. For example, my latest project, Eurydice, was entirely funded by My older Sister, and My roommate in university - who hilariously had the misfortune of having to spend 4 years listening to me trying to find my sound in our dorm room - remains my biggest supporter 6 years later. Their patience and encouragement have played a huge role in my journey, and I truly appreciate having people who believe in me.

What can we Expect from Art Da Vinci from now?

I'm currently working on an Art Book with Ascoh Abloh, filled with romantic sketches and animations drawn from my childhood that complement my upcoming album, Cartas de Um Romântico Vol. 2, which is set to drop in late November 2024. Additionally, I'm collaborating on a joint album with my producer, Andre Plaisher, which is expected to be released by Easter 2025. I'm also participating on a lot of features, so be sure to keep an eye out for those as well.

Who is your Celebrity Crush?

Kathryn Celestre.

Shout Outs

First and foremost, a big-shout-out to Jawsh Typhoon. He's been my mentor in this game since 2011, and he's the most selfless person I know. None of this would've ever happened without him. He just dropped his new EP, Post-Romantic, so please go and give that a listen.

I also want to send a shout-out to LehandroBeatz. He might be mad at me right now but I hope we can fix things; the world needs that Monna Alessa Part. III.

Lastly, a huge shout-out to LSAJ & Dala Fam. They make artist management look easy, and their support means everything to me.

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