About Rap type Mag

Rap type Mag is a South African / Mzansi Hip hop / Rap Music Magazine that was established in 2014.

Rap type Mag is one of the 25 Best South Afrian Music Blogs & Websites and was listed number 3 on the list. [ref;] link below

What We Do

We feature the latest news and trends of the Hip hop / Rap Culture in South Africa. We interview talented Rappers and feature their stories, finding out what inspires them to do Hip hop Music and how they have built-up a name in the Rap game.

Stories are published on our website and our social media platforms.

This will hopefully inspire other upcoming Rappers who might have lost hope or given up on their dreams.

Mzansi has a lot of hungry but undiscovered talented Rappers who simply need exposure or a lucky break.

Rap Type Mag sees the opportunity to reach out to such hidden talent, feature their stories and try to provide them with the exposure that they need.

Rap type Mag will soon launch a clothing range of T-shirts, caps, hoodies and more to help build the brand and create awareness.

Further plans include starting a record label which will represent newly undiscovered Rappers.

Rap type Mag has an exclusive documentary called Ride On My Beat that is all about reaching out to the freestylers around the streets of the townships in South Africa.

This documentary is slowly helping these undescovered freestylers to get the recognition that they need.

You can watch the Ride On My Beat Clips on our YouTube Channel and enjoy the great battle of the Freestylers... Don't forget to Subscribe ☺

• Facebook - Ride On My Beat


The ultimate dream is to see Rap Type Mag become the leading hip hop / rap magazine in South Africa, whilst inspiring and changing the lives of upcoming Rappers.

For more information visit www.raptypemag.com and follow us on social media check us out on:

Facebook - Rap type Mag

Twitter - @Raptypemag

Instagram - @raptypemag

Soundcloud - Rap type Mag

Youtube - Rap type Mag

www.raptypemag.com [email protected] 

RAP TYPE MAG (PTY) LTD (2015/377539/07)