Tory Blaze's Interview
Tory Blaze is a musician from a small village called N'waxinyamani but currently residing in Olieven Hout Bosch. I’m in the music industry, my speciality is Hip Hop/rap and I've been doing it for as long as I can remember.   Who got Tory Blaze into the hip hop game? I was born under a [&helli...
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Tyn-Ish's Interview
Tyn-Ish grew up / originally from Limpopo in a village called “Ka Bungeni”, that’s where I started my pre, primary and high school. I came to Jo’burg in 2009 to do my tertiary education. For more information about Tyn-Ish, just keep on reading. What motivated you to start “Tyn-Ish Solution...
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Tyn-Ish's Interview
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They Will Make You Quit Rap