April 30, 2021

Rapper EM_LUZY Drops a New Single - Ketlo'PoPa | Now Available On All Musical Platforms

KETLO'POPA means "I will make it", not only in the Music industry but Life in general and conveys a crystal message to those chasing HOPE and willing to succeed.
The meaning behind that comes from having it all figured out and losing it all with just a blink of an eye. The song itself also encourages me to literally push on the project I'm working on, From having a Pride (team) to going Solo was not easy, so Ketlo'PoPa means I'll make it with or without a Team/deal, either way...

For my names Emanuele and Lucas, EM_LUZY just to accommodate those calling me EM for Ema... and LUZY for Lucas... It started back in the elementary When making everyone dance was more than vandalizing the School property (Desks) but the love of music and Ketlo'PoPa is more like telling/reminding those around me or on the same journey with me that we Gonna make it by putting the work and believing in Yourself..

This single was produced By @doox_steeze
And I have a solo album Coming very soon. - Said EM_LUZY

Stream or Download Ketlo'PoPa On:





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Twitter - @EM_Luzy
Instagram - @e.m_luzy
