November 23, 2018

Spotlight on The Boss Chick: Naledzii Rises to Take Over the Rap Game

Naledzii2018Naledzi Thembelihle Mathibe also known as Naledzii is a hip hop artist hailing from Mpumalanga. I was born in icy July in Ermelo. It is safe to say I have been a rapper for over 10 years but I broke into the industry itself in 2011 with an all-girl rap trio, we called ourselves The Blak Beaniez. We were on a come up, with features from the likes of Shiz Niz and other publications, we even auditioned for a producer from SONY Music, but we were we were too young at that time.
How did the rapping interest start?
I remember writing song in the 5th grade; I spent a lot of time alone then. That time was spent writing songs. So I gradually got introduced to hip hop by my cousins when I was about 9 or 10. So our school had a concert coming up and every class had to participate, we were grouped and I wrote a song but I was too scared to actually perform so I tried to make someone else be the front man but they said I should do it, that was the first time I rapped, it was a great feeling by the second chorus people were singing along. So I just didn’t stop from then on.
Who are the great people do you wish to reach out and work with in this Hip hop game?
Unfortunately Pro was one of those people. In terms of production, JR and L’Tido are at the top of my list, they just have that thing. On a song, Gigi Lamayne, I’ve always been such a fan, in about 2011 same time I was on the come up; lyrically she was a step ahead of the group of ladies then. StogieT, coz I mean its Stogie. Spaza Shop Boyz; although disbanded that would be a wavy track.
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Naledzii; why the extra i?
A lot of people assume my name is Naledi and the zii is the extra but, its Naledzi with an extra i. the extra i, is like Naledzi+i. it’s like my alter ego already infused into who I am, an extension of myself represented by the music
Is there a difference between Naledzii the rapper and Naledzi in everyday life?
Sometimes there is, not a lot though. I’m a very relaxed person, and a total lady. My fun time includes being boring, I hardly go out and even if I do an hour or two out is enough, then I just want to sleep.
Wise words?
Surround yourself with people who believe in you because sometime you won’t have the strength to believe in yourself and you’ll need that one or two people who’ll remind you of how great you are. Anything you want to achieve begins in the internal, the more you work on your inner the better you’ll be able to deal and handle everything else, good people are good for you.
Follow Naledzii on:
Twitter & Instagram: @naledzii_

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