July 18, 2018

The Christian Rapper J-Man Pours out on How He Found Jesus Through Hip hop

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Firstly I would like to thank God, for the opportunity to be interviewed by Rap type MagJ-Man formally known as Jason Mangena is a Christian rapper, born in Swaziland but grew up in South Africa from an early age, currently residing in the Eastrand Johannesburg. I’ve been a writer/rapper/composer since the age of 13, roughly 16 years.
Who or what got you into Gospel Hip hop?
Well to understand that, I’d have to say that I’ve only been a Christian rapper since October 2017, which is about 10months. After Moving into the Victory Outreach Christian Men’s recovery home, in the Eastrand. Giving my life to the Lord, being saved from Drug, Alcohol, Sex, Gambling addiction, for over 10 years of my life. God touched me and made me realise that there is a calling in my life, which through prayer, fasting and Guidance by my pastor Danny Carrera and The Ministry of Victory Outreach, is being made clear to me that not only am I called to the G.A.N.G (Gods Anointed Now Generation) ministry as one of the youth leaders but me not quite making it in the industry through Secular hip hop, God had a bigger plan for this gift of song He blessed me with, which is to reach people and lead them to Christ, Basically to be the biblical representation of a Rap artist.
What’s the motive behind your writings, especially your latest track?
Well the motive behind my writing and my latest project Spiritual Warfare Mix-Tape (Which will be dropping sometime this year God willing), is to lead people to Christ. To be a light on the dark times we are in, to let Fans and Artists of Hip Hop music/Culture know that Jesus loves them, that we should love the creator, more than the creation. That he died on the cross and rose on the 3rd day, so that all of us could be forgiven of our sins. To share the Gospel through song, Praise the Lord Through song, Take back from the enemy what he stole through song, lastly sharing my testimony/life in Christ through song.
What is the Best and worst thing about your Hip hop in general according to your experience?
Well the best thing is, that I get to share my love for Christ through my music now, also encourage others to find a relationship with our father God, the other thing is I’ve never been more honest in my music. I suppose the worst thing would be letting my talent take precedence to my relationship with God, and not representing him as a disciple of the Gospel.
What are the amazing places have you travelled that made you fall more in love with Gospel Hip hop?
Lol well no where yet, God willing I’ll get to see the world.
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How is the response from family and friends that you are into Hip hop?
Yo if you knew how I lived before Christ, you’d be happy for my change to Christian hip hop to Lol. But seriously my mother always tried to push me to do Christian hip hop, but not understanding what it was I never considered it until, I met Jesus Christ. So now all the friends and family I’ve managed to interact with are really happy for me. But throughout my career even when I was a crazy/out of control rapper in the world, my mother and brother have always supported me.
One word to describe J-Man?
Hip hop vs Gospel. What’s the connection and how do you balance the two?
The connection is that, it’s both expressions through a culture that influences the masses around the world. I find the balance by being involved in Ministry and having a great support system. When it comes to Secular hip hop vs Christian Hip Hop, Okay this would need a couple of hours of discussion, but in short…. Ever since being saved and answering the call of God on my life. I see the Hip Hop industry a lot differently, than I did when I was lost and bound to the lies of the devil, and the things of this world.
For we are not fighting against human beings but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world, the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of this dark age.
After sharing that scripture, I’ll say that. I to promoted sex, drugs, Prideful arrogance, the love of money and material gain over, the beauty of life and the truth about social and political issues… Which is what I thought hip hop stood for in the beginning, now it’s very rare to find Rap with substance, But God opened my eyes and is still working on me daily, we are all sinners and fall short of his glory. I’m not here to judge or condemn any artist, a lot of rappers I still see as really gifted individuals, But God will hold all of us accountable for what we do in this life. Lastly a question for all of us artists is, if you really love your fans what message do you want to send them through your music? Think about it.
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How do people reach J-Man if they want to know more and see more of your work?
I will be releasing my upcoming project “Spiritual Warfare Mix-Tape” (Pro. By @HmzTheGreatest) on most media streaming/downloading platforms as well as physical copies
But for now:
Twitter: @jasonmangena100
Instagram: @jasonmangena100
What is it that you have learnt the hard way that you can warn or advice the other upcoming rappers?
Don’t ever compromise your morals for fame and fortune, Have substance, Lead your generation into a better future. God Over Money!
Who do you want to send your shout outs to?
Alright, Firstly shout out to: Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour
S/O: To My Mother and brother Dj Kid Smurf
S/O: My Fiancé Nadine Greef soon to be Mangena
S/O: Katia AKA small Lol
S/O: My homies Hmz/Tiyo/Mikey Mike
S/O: My Victory Outreach Eastrand Family and Victory Outreaches around the world. Keep reaching the hurting people of the world for Jesus.
S/O: To all my Friends and Family
S/O: Rap type Mag
S/O: Bizzle and the God Over Money team
God Bless you all!

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