May 27, 2019

The Rapper Mickauthentic Talks Hip hop in Gomora and Mzansi | Are These Rap Politics or Facts?

Siphiwe Kubeka, known by his stage name "Mickauthentic" but most people call him Mick. I was born and bread in Alexandra at 16th Roosevelt - coming to think of it, I've lived my whole life here without living elsewhere and that is why wherever I walk or talk it's hard to leave it out.
I am a song writer, rapper, music activist, certified webmaster & graphic designer with Wix, Citizen Journalist graduate & Film & Television graduate with Big Fish, Self - made Cinematographer, and Philanthropy Student with Philanthropy University.
I've been writing music since grade 6 at Orchards Primary School. My teacher would go crazy from the beats banging from the table, written poetry on the back of my book flowing - then I'll get chased out of class for noise distractions.
I saw the purpose to use my talent and craft to liberate the people of my township out of poverty. In high school I couldn't really take it to the next level because I had no choice but to be the first child at home to earn a matric certificate and keep up with my studies way more than my craft.
I mean, my mother being the head of the house at that time - playing the role of both parents while she was unemployment but making sure that me & my siblings don't sleep on an empty stomach nor miss a single day at school.
I had to put a smile on my mother's face, that's the only way I felt blessing are going to come infinite.
Where I am today, with all these achievements & certificates I've earned - I haven't done anything yet as long as change is still making at a snail pace with my community, including the rest of the country.
I will continue using my lyrics and music just like the Cape Crusader Youngsta CPT does for Kaapstad as powerful weapon to liberate my people from this system that's make us suffer without gaining anything from it directly.
I can do music like every other rapper and end up sounding the same like a radio frequency with no signal but I just prefer not to leave my people behind suffering all alone without anyone to speak up for them. Showing that I'm serious about it, I released my first Studio EP on the 28 March 2018 entitled "Citizen Journalist" with the assistance of my producers' MonarchAtown, Smiley Da Wiz and international producer from Belgium "Mago" - here is a link to the project:
I am releasing my 2nd Studio EP entitled "Serve" later in April but yet to release the date and currently working on my 3rd & 4th Studio EPs of which will be released later on this year. I am also working on film projects, music videos and events this year so my schedule tight already.


Who or what is Your Main Influence in The Hip Hop industry?
Rapsody, J Cole and Chaz French.


Is who you are now reflects to who you wanted to be when you started rapping back in the days?

Yes, I always saw myself enhancing change for my people through my music.


What is the Good and The Worst thing about Hip hop in Alex according to Your Experiences?

Hip hop does not have a huge fan base in Alexandra compared to House Music and that is by far the worst thing that has ever happened to it. The best thing is that, only now that young people are beginning to understand hiphop music.


Is the Rap Game Growing in Alex or it somehow lost Direction?

It is growing but in a lost direction because most producers and musicians lack a lot of information about how the hip hop music industry works.


What is it that Mzansi Hip Hop is lacking and Where is it Excelling?

Most successful hip hop artists and producers are finding it hard to support and guide upcoming artists and producers. Their pride makes them think that philanthropy is a waste of their time, while it would be a great investment.


Your next coming EP "Serve": What can Fans expect on it?

Nothing else but uncensored liberational music that will make you keep your faith and will strong enough to stand any negative force that trys to stand in between of you and your opportunities.


Your Stage Name Mickauthentic... What's the story behind it?

Mickey has been my nickname for a very long time and I have always kept my attitude & personality authentic towards my peers, without any 'sugar-coating'. In my music, authenticity is the most common element you'll find because I have always been the voice of people through music without the fear of what the government might do to me. Let's just say - I am one of the few brave rappers left in this country because the rest are wearing masks and hiding of expressing we're really facing.


What best Experience has Rap made you encounter?

It allowed me to voice out to the people and give them hope, instead of hiding behind a mask just to please the system that's failing us as a country without gaining anything from it directly


What are the Wise Words that keep you going as a Rapper?

Giving up is never an option or Opinion and cannot be part of my decision making. Strong faith, mind, heart & soul is my infinite fuel and no one will take it away from me.


Is there a difference between Mickauthentic the Rapper and Siphiwe Kubeka in everyday life?

Not at all, because when you look at my pictures from both sides - it's still me.


Shout Outs

A special shout out to my son Matsi and my all time best friend/ producer/ manager/ colleague & brother MonarchAtown. You've been the greatest homie.
Here are my links to my work: