July 25, 2023

Tsonga Trap Star; Brace Thorn Shirimani Talks on how his Dad became his inspiration | Emtee | Love to the Fans +More

Arnold Mlotshwa born 1996 18 June, known by his stage name Brace Thorn Shirimani. I’m a South African Xitsonga Hip hop Singer/ Rapper and Record producer born in Pretoria, Gauteng province in South Africa.


Who or what got you into hip hop?

My Dad who’s known as Dr Joe Shirimani has been my biggest inspiration, of which led me to get involved in the music industry. but yet I can say that the person who led me to be loving the Hip hop music industry is Mthembeni Ndevu known as Emtee.


If you were not a Rapper, what would you be?

Honestly before I even got to my teenage stage’s I’ve always wanted to become a Musician/ Rapper and music producer. so I’ve never seen myself dreaming of becoming a doctor, lawyer or something else I’ve always wanted to see myself doing what I love most and being an inspiration to whoever doubts their capabilities of becoming a musician.


Which song would you say a lot of people knew Brace Thorn by and why?

A song that made people know who Brace Thorn Shirimani Is, it’s a song Called Mawaza meaning Danger. The reason y I called it danger is because i wanted people to reflect on My life as someone who’s dangerous when it comes to music; not in a negative way but a positive one, I wanted people to see me as someone who can inspire them to do good in whatever they wanna accomplish in life, motivate them if they ever feel like giving up and be a rainbow in their darkest rainy days.

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of being a Rapper around your hood according to your experiences?

The advantage of being a rapper is Making the industry contacts that can help advance your career in other performance areas. Making a contribution to the artistic community. The other advantage is that you get to enjoy your art and earn an income while following your passion and doing what you love. You have the opportunity to collaborate with other artists, travel and have a variety of new experiences, often while courting an admiring fan base.

And the disadvantage Is You dont have time for anything else which is really sad, because you sometimes don’t even get time for your family due to being full time on the road. Sometimes Everyone is going to laugh at you until you prove them wrong, so people don’t believe in your music or dream until the light shine on them, but it’s up to you to stay strong and always tell yourself it’s gonna work out. You also have to be nice to people you might not like.


How is the response from Family and Friends towards your music?

Knowing that I’m from a family of music, me being in the music industry has brought love, joy and endless support through thick and thin. I even feel like my dad is more proud of me because he believes there’s someone to take the legacy of the Shirimani empire going when he’s no longer on about. but it brings mental peace that I’m not alone in the journey of music, I have people who got my back and believe in me. Which is my family, friends and fans.

The response is amazing, coming from my family and friends I can never wanna trade them for anything, because surely if it wasn’t for them, I would never be where I am currently with this music business, they live what I do, they support what I do, they encourage and motivate me to be a better version of what I am everyday, so it sometimes feels like my teachers never ended at school only but I carry them everywhere I go in life


What makes a Good Rapper in your opinion?

In my own opinion of what makes a good rapper is someone who never limits their talent by doing one type of music genre, being a good rapper is someone who chooses to be different, someone who has an incredible good feel for language and words. They weave stories and messages with incredible artistry. And also if I may give at least practice on delivery, Write every day, Record your raps, Get a manager… these are some of the things that help being a good rapper. There’s a lot of things that make a good rapper, just cutting the story short.


What is One thing that you love about your fans when you are performing on stage?

One thing that I love about my fans when I’m on stage is that they are always curious of what I’m about to do, first the love is real, I can see it with the joy and fun they have when I’m performing, some choose to stand a listen to the flow and the message of what I’m delivering to them. as I get off stage I would get motivation that i should always keep pushing, they loved the performance, some choose to exchange numbers to work on something, some take pictures/videos to appreciate me and my craft, so that shows that I’m on the right track and I’m a inspiration to them. That’s what I love about them.


What is your favourite TV program and why?

My favourite tv program is music channels, cartoon’s and news. What I love about music programs is it helps me keep myself updated with what’s trending. It helps me perfect my sound and craft and with cartoons, I love that most of what’s happening in the world is told by a Joke and most people are blinded to see. I love the poetic side of it’s deep messages that can be turned into a songs
And With News, We Always Need To Be Updated With What’s happng around us so yeah those are my favourite channels.


Follow Brace thorn Shirimani On:

Facebook - Brace Thorn Shirimani

Instagram - @bracethornshirimani_sa

Shout Outs

I would like to give a shout out to my family, friends, fans and mostly God Who’s always giving me a chance to live and try again to become a better version of myself.

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