This up-coming, extraordinary artist whose music is able to change the atmosphere of any setting, was born and bred at the dusty streets of Magona Village, Malamulele in Limpopo, His real name is Lefty Vutomi Baloyi but well known by his stage name UglyRaps. He comes from humble beginnings that allowed him to dream and afforded him a chance to picture himself as anyone or anything possible on earth, but surprisingly, he chose music which couldn’t have been in the menu because of his geographical positioning. He proclaims to have fallen so hard for music in his junior primary days but the love surpassed his teenage days and assured him to only focus on music, thus making it his daily job.
UglyRaps is a full-time musician who is currently based in Johannesburg, South Africa. His music is comprised of different sounds and contents, one can categorizes it as rap, hip hop or trap but in actual facts, it represents life. His experiences, circumstances, fallouts and successes are what inspires him to be the person he is behind the microphone, and motivate him to dream bigger.
UglyRaps started considering his music career professionally in 2016 and had formed a musical group which was based in Soshanguve, Pretoria.
UglyRaps had just released his debut solo mixtape named Village Baby the EP with the help of his co-workers under Swamatsonga Hardcore Entertainment. He describes this project
[which contains eight songs]
as a benchmark and a way to introduce himself to the industry. This masterpiece has been doing so well that it landed him a nomination in one of the local awards which are yet to be announced. And, as a testament that he is not just a local artist, his music has as well secured him a space in the international platform. The tape has been causing traffic on the internet as well.

Who is your biggest inspiration in this Hip hop game?
I appreciate the opportunity bro… it is hard to say because a lot of people have been putting in work. To answer you, it has always been Eminem but recently Tory Lanez and Dee En Kay are inspiring me a lot.
What is the good and the worst about hip hop according to Your Experiences?
The fame that is packed with it, it is good and can be very bad.
What is one thing that bugs you when you perform on stage?
When the DJ plays the song (s) that I didn’t choose or ask for, it really messes up my mood.
How is the response from Family and Friends that you are a Rap Star?
Ha-ha rap star huh? Now that they see the progress, they are coming to the party. When I started, they thought I was just trying to get girls and flex, they emphasized that I shouldn’t stop looking for a job. But I haven’t heard any word bout that from them in like 13 months, my mom has become my biggest fan and funny thing is that she knows nothing about hip-hop, but she is down with me.
With my friends, it is crazy bro. I have been with my day one bros and it is all love. We are in this together, so the love is mighty. I am blessed to have them.
UglyRaps... What's the story behind this stage name?
Ha-ha look at me, take a good look at me bro. If you look like me where I come from, you are ugly. Loko nahari tsanana ani chava ngo ku smile mahlweni ka ticheri because I was made to believe that I am ugly. So now that I rap, it is Ugly with the raps…UglyRaps, just embracing who I am.
And Your Songs? What’s the Motive behind your Writings?
Hope bro, hope. My music and writing give people hope. I come from nothing, I am a village baby from the dirty streets. For me to make it and be who I aspire to be, that will speak hope to someone’s life. We make who we are, and the people keep us going.
Where do you see UglyRaps in the next 5 years?
On top of the world bro, nothing or nowhere else.
If You were not a Rap Star, what would you be?
Lol, this is a good one. I would be a fulltime actor.
What are the Words or statements that keeps you going as a Rapper?
“It only gets harder when you are near to a breakthrough”
And, the fact that I am only human, and I can only be great by doing me.
In addition, where people see pain, I see healing bro and where they see process, I see progress.
Who do you want to send your Shout Outs to?
Shout out to my brothers, the whole Swamatsonga Hardcore Ent, Blak Riey, Ndziva “Dolla” Makamu. The whole 092Seven Team, bro Godi Makamu and my lovely mom that I love a lot.

Follow UglyRaps on:
Facebook: UglyRaps SA
Instagram: @UglyRaps_Village baby
What is the Motive Behind Your Village Baby The EP?
Village Baby the EP is a testimony of my journey as far in the music industry, it recites the story of my life. Tracks like Mama, Village Baby and Back to the Trapare what ignite the fire and tell of my endurance and challenges I’ve defeated. My music has enabled me to share a stage with the likes of Henny C, Dee En Kay and many music giants. I aspire to be the best locally, continentally and internationally.
You can check the tape on the following links: