April 17, 2023

Chavani Rapper - Lester Matthews Shares his thoughts on How “The King of Tsonga Rap” should be entitled | Anixbayi | N’wa Daniel + More

Ndonewa Nesengani aka Lester Matthews is Singer, Music Producer, Songwriter and Film Maker, Mainly doing Music in English and the South African native languages of Xitsonga and Tshivenda

Lester Matthews | South African Rapper

What is the Good and the Bad thing about Hip hop at Chavani according to your Experiences?

Good thing is; it’s giving the Youth a second option. The bad is; the need for fame brings out the worst in most.


Would you say you are the King of Tsonga Rap or Hip hop as a whole at Chavani?

Not really, When you have to tell people that you are the King, then you are probably not the King, I prefer to let the people comment on that.


How is the Response from your Family and Friends towards your Music?

My Friends have always been pretty supportive, Family too but in a typical Family way.


Lester Matthews… What is the story behind this Stage Name?

Lester was inspired by a childhood cartoon show (Lester awesome), for some reason I thought it was cool back then and it sort of stuck. Matthews was just a random addition to the name as I also thought it was cool sounding, inspired by Issa Matthews, a rapper I once knew back in the day.


How did Anixbayi Production come about?

I’ve always done production under different names, in 2018 I changed it to Anixbayi production for marketing purposes.

If there’s One thing you would like to change about Hip hop around Chavani, what would it be?

The lack of infrastructure, I’d make it that there are free to use places for events.


Which One Song would you say People started loving or noticing Lester Matthews with?

Nwa Daniel was one of the top songs

Few years to come, Where will Lester Matthews be?

Hopefully, at the top with the stars


Follow Lester Matthews On:

Facebook – Lester Matthews ZA

- Anixbayi Productions

Twitter – @Odd_Lester

Instagram – @real_musanda


Shout Outs
Shout Out to everyone who’s ever played My Music, Viewed My Videos or liked My Posts.

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